“Every breath you take… every move you make… I’ll be watching you.”
Her is a dark story of a man trying to get her. If he can’t have her… no one can have her - and he’ll move on to the next one.
Her was originally written for Edison High School for the Scholastic Regional A class in 2019.
Permission to arrange and to perform would be needed in order to purchase the show due to the copyrighted material. There is an additional fee of $950 for the use of “Crazy In Love” by Beyonce, “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, and “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston.
Written by Albert Avery and Ariane Ortiz.
5 Bass Drums
2 Marimbas
2 Vibes
3 Aux. Percussion
2 Synthesizers
What's included:
Score and parts in pdf format
Click tracks for battery and front ensemble
Samples & sound effects